Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fast Food and a Scavenger Hunt

On Wednesday, since the weather was sunny, some friends and I went out to the islands in Oslo fjord again.  This time, it was quite windy.  As you sit waiting for the ferry boat to arrive, there is a building made up of maybe 6 large cylinders on the right.  I think they are open to the air on top, since there was this unearthly whistling sound like when you blow air across the top of a half-filled bottle.  I tried recording the sound, but it was too windy.
Anyway, here are some pictures of a buoy and the painted summer houses built on the islands.

 By this point, I'm getting quite chilly from standing in the wind, but luckily, the cabin in heated.  They also have lifejackets in case the boat runs into that picturesque little marker buoy.  These are more serious lifejackets than those provided on the ferry at Mackinac Island.
Earlier that day, we ate at McDonalds, because that is the cheapest hamburger you will find anywhere in Oslo.  I think McDonalds in the USA should offer curry sauce!
Finally, I enjoyed the electrified little man in a kilt on my cup reminding me to throw my trash in the garbage can.
The next day was the Scavenger Hunt-this is a different (and much more hilarious) event than during Buddy Week.  My group of 4 did many of the tasks, including sitting in a tree acting like owls, dancing, asking random strangers odd questions, crawling around a statue of Ibsen, and forming the strange Norwegian letters with our bodies.  Here is me wading into the fjord. 

If you can't tell, it is cold.  And windy.  And kind of slippery, with all that algae.  Thank you, groupmates, for saving me from sliding into the fjord!
The last task we did before the Hunt ended was a makeover of me.  Don't I look distinguished?

1 comment:

  1. Scavenger hunts near me I am impressed. I don't think Ive met anyone who knows as much about this subject as you do. You are truly well informed and very intelligent. You wrote something that people could understand and made the subject intriguing for everyone. Really, great blog you have got here.
