Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cabin, planes, and slugs

I am now legally in Norway-I registered at the police station last week, where they take your photograph and fingerprints, so that was exciting. 
Last weekend, I went with the other UNICA volunteers to the Nordmarka cabin!  UNICA is a network of European universities, that holds a conference every two years where student representatives discuss issues.  This year it's being held in Oslo, so I volunteered.  Part of the perks included this trip to the student cabin in the Nordmarka woods around Oslo.  It looks like this:
But I'm getting ahead of myself: to get there, one has to take the subway, then a bus, and then walk up into the mountain/hills surrounding the city, passing such beautiful scenery as this:
 And here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama (oh no, I've been informed that these are alpacas, but I'm still going with this)

It's quite steep, and it got really warm along the way due to the wonderful sun, but once you get there, it's great, because the view from the window was this:
The decorations were nice, especially this moose:
The purpose of this trip was for volunteer training, which we did until dinner and nightfall.  There was a gorgeous sunset:
On this trip, I tried brown cheese:
which tastes kind of sweet, almost caramel-y, and is soft.  And I tried aquavit, described as "Norwegian whiskey"-which smelled like some sort of chemical cleaner and made my mouth feel sort of numb.  There was also dancing, and a sauna.
The next day, it was back down the mountain, where entrance to the Nobel Peace Center was free this week (Yay!-stuff in Oslo can be expensive, but the first word an international student should learn is "gratis"-there are a surprising amount of free events going on here).  Also, it was the 100th anniversary of the first military aircraft flight in Norway, so there were planes and flyover shows all day.  This is La Patrouille de France, a groups of French pilots doing acrobatic plane tricks and colored smoke; very fun to watch.
The next day, I saw some slugs.  Slugs here are big, and are most often found in the morning.  By the middle of the day, all you find are dead ones on the pavement.
No Labor Day for me; I had class on Monday, which was fun: now I've been to all the classes that I will attend this term.

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