Monday, December 17, 2012


Well, here I am, on the other side of this trip, packing once again.  Going home feels pretty much like traveling to Oslo felt: unreal.  I can't believe that in less than 24 hours I'll be back in the US.  I have more stuff (how is it all going to fit?!?), certainly, but more importantly I also have lots of awesome memories.  Thanks everyone who I've met on this trip, you're all amazing people, and good luck to you in your future!
Without further ado, I present final sightseeing pictures!
The first museum was the Kulterhistorisk museum, which had a very cool exhibit showing Norwegian prehistory from the Stone to Viking ages.  It's a moose!
Most of the signs were in Norwegian, but who cares when there are soft sculptures of Odin and the Norns?

There were lots of other cool exhibits, too, such as the Egyptian mummies.  This is looking inside an empty coffin layer: it's painted inside, which I did not know was done.  Usually, they're full of, you know, mummy.
Next, on Saturday I went to the Stortinget, the Norwegian Parliament house, for a tour.  Here is the inside of the main parliamentary chambers:
Then, the Mini Bottle Gallery!  Lots of small glass bottles in all shapes and sizes, including this one:
That's right, a version of the "Dogs Playing Poker" bottle.
Oh, and a slide down into the basement, which I definitely used:
The Hjemmefrontmuseum, about Norway during WWII:
 The Kunstindustrimuseet (museum of design):
Ah, the 60's.  I want an egg chair!
The Botanic gardens, specifically in Victoriahuset, is a great place to visit in the winter, if you miss the sun:
In the same park are the Geologisk museum and Zoologisk museum (both part of the Natural History museum).

Glacial skurring and a pothole, from centuries of passing ice and water.
Ida, the oldest complete fossilized primate:
Look, it's the littoral zone!
...and a walrus:

Then, of course, I went to see The Hobbit (Hobbiten, in Norwegian).  Contrary to most European countries, in Norway most imported films are shown in their original language, with Norwegian subtitles (unless they're kid's movies, which are dubbed).  I loved it!
Ha det, Norge!

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