Sunday, November 18, 2012

One month left...

This post will be short; I just wanted to mark the day when I only have one month left in Oslo, Norway.  So, I've been here 4 months, already.  This seems very surreal to me: I don't feel like I've been here that long.  In my mind, the first week of wandering confusedly around campus and trying to figure out labels in the grocery store was just a few weeks ago, and then I have only foggy memories of all the intervening months.

On holidays: Halloween is beginning to be more widely celebrated in Norway (example: the Nille stores-think dollar stores for my friends back home-sold Halloween candy, buckets, and costumes), but is still not as huge a deal as it is in the U.S.  On the downside of no Halloween, I started getting Chrismas (Jul) ads in the mail back in October, so no more complaints from my family about Christmas ads starting too early ever again!  This coming week is Thanksgiving in the U.S., which means that I would be seeing both sides of my family if I were back home.  This means it's time to think about buying some more phone credits so I can say hi to everyone.

One thing that I don't have to miss about Thanksgiving break is the "break" from school work, since 2 out of 3 of my classes has finished already.  The biology class continues for 3 more weeks, but now I'll have a lot more free time!  As I noticed at the beginning of the school year, university classes in Norway don't start and stop at the same time (unlike in the US, where we get one magical stress week of exams).  I start my first exam next week: a take-home essay question for Objects and Identities in the Viking Age.  Then the next week is my first written exam-4 hours!  I've already written and passed both of my qualifying essays for those classes.

Anyway, I plan on checking out some new museums in Oslo, and to all my family and friends back home: Happy Thanksgiving!

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