Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hei everyone!
This has been a busy week.  Classes were very interesting: on Wednesday, I had a very thought-provoking and interesting discussion about historical archaeology and the symbolic meanings of consumer objects (Oh, Appadurai, I am always so confused by your writing style, but you are so interesting).  Then, in Marine Ecology, a guest lecturer showed us how to identify microorganisms found in sandy shores. 
On the top is Achnanthes sp., and below that is Navicula sp. (sp. means species-aka I can identify the genus, but after that, they all look really similar).  These are diatoms; box-shaped organisms with silica "shells". 

Wednesday was also the start of the UNICA conference: a gathering of student representatives from European capital cities.  I did not actually help at the conference until Thursday, when the Music/Quiz group entertained and educated the participants with an interactive quiz.  Questions included: What country are we in? and Are there wild polar bears in mainland Norway? (Answer-no, though there are polar bears in Svalbard-a group of islands in the far north belonging to Norway).  And my personal favorite question: True or False: All Norwegian diplomats must learn about black metal (A: True)!

That night there was a reception at City Hall for the participants, tutors, and volunteers.  Sipping champagne in a room overlooking the harbor.  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so no pictures, which was a real shame-especially since we were given a tour of the halls, including some huge murals.

Friday afternoon I got to help lead the tutors to the Viking Ship museum, where we were treated to a guided tour.  I've been there before, of course, but it's always a different experience when a guide is there to explain more of the context of an exhibit.  Plus, I got to wear a helmet and swing around a sword, which is always a good bonus.
Yep, I look fierce.

Also, on the way back, we saw some very wooly sheep:

That night was another wonderful evening at the Oslo Kongressenter, with great food and dancing (Gangnam style! and the Macarena).

 Saturday was the last day of the conference, with presentations of all the forum sections, including an awesome summary by one group to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody!  After that, the volunteers gathered to eat some ethnic food from this weekend's UiO Festivalen featuring the Norwegian group Donkeyboy.  I had lamb couscous-tasty.
Today, it's the first snow in Oslo- more like sleet, really, but still, reminds you to appreciate the wonderful weather this week!

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